01. Project Overview
Project Overview
Report Card
Project Overview
This project is a chance for you to combine and practice everything you learned in this section of the Nanodegree program. You will be making a class to represent a report card.
The goal is to design and create the structure of a ReportCard Java Class which would allow a school to store a student’s grades for a particular year. This project will be just a java class, rather than a full Android app.
Why this project?
In the most recent portion of the Nanodegree program, you learned about custom classes, which are critical to every object-oriented program you will build going forward. It is vital to be able to think about how to design objects which interact with each other and model real-world concepts.
What will I learn?
This project is about combining various ideas and skills we’ve been practicing throughout the course. They include:
- Designing a custom class
- Creating that class in Java code.
- Storing information in an array
- Looping through an array